Smart Contract Code Security Audits
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Smart Contract Code Security Audits
Last updated
In order to write a really good smart contract that is universal, modern, secure, serves the whole community and finally contributes to de-monopolization, we have spent a huge amount of energy and resources to make the best possible result.
Our programmers may be geniuses, but it's human to be wrong, which is why we've been working with industry leaders for a long time, and that's the Sundae Labs audit team and Crypto team at Vacuumlabs.
Double-audited Smart Contract
Sundae Labs
Full report available here:
Sundae Labs is the team behind the well known SundaeSwap DEX.
Their experience in concepting, designing, building and auditing development solutions on Cardano, made it a natural choice as our audit partner.
The quick deep understanding of all the complexities of the revenue-sharing Aiken smart contract confirmed they're the right partners for the security audit and there's probably no better choice. We love what the Sundae Labs team is doing for years on/for Cardano.
Audit structure
The objective of the audit was to evaluate the security of the interoperable revenue-sharing smart contract allowing selling NFT directly on JamOnBread or other marketplaces utilizing this smart contract.
The audit process included several key components: High Level Objectives, Informal Specification, Definitions, and a thorough examination of various Transaction types.
You either know or use work powered by Vacuumlabs - starting with Adalite, Nu.Fi, WingRiders, and others.
Furthermore, the Vacuumlabs audit team stood by us not only in the actual design of the smart contract, but also in the final graduation, i.e. internal auditing of all the code.
Only the Aiken smart contract was covered in the internal audit, not the integration with dApp front end and the audit team did not disappoint.
Vacuumlabs developers coded the SC. Therefore VL is in conflict of interests and cannot perform an audit of the smart contract. However, they performed the same checks as they would during a regular audit.
Read more about our Smart Contract and On-chain Affiliate Program.